| | 1 | | using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; |
| | 2 | | using System; |
| | 3 | | using System.Diagnostics; |
| | 4 | | using System.IO; |
| | 5 | | using System.Linq; |
| | 6 | | using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; |
| | 7 | | using System.Runtime.InteropServices; |
| | 8 | | using static LockCheck.Windows.NativeMethods; |
| | 9 | |
| | 10 | | namespace LockCheck.Windows; |
| | 11 | |
| | 12 | | [DebuggerDisplay("{HasError} {ProcessId} {ExecutableFullPath}")] |
| | 13 | | internal class Peb : IWin32ProcessDetails, IHasErrorState |
| | 14 | | { |
| | 15 | | #if DEBUG |
| | 16 | | #pragma warning disable IDE0052 |
| | 17 | | private string? _errorStack; |
| | 18 | | private Exception? _errorCause; |
| | 19 | | private int _errorCode; |
| | 20 | | #pragma warning restore IDE0052 |
| | 21 | | #endif |
| | 22 | |
| 2 | 23 | | public int ProcessId { get; private set; } |
| 2 | 24 | | public DateTime StartTime { get; private set; } |
| 2 | 25 | | public int SessionId { get; private set; } |
| 2 | 26 | | public int? ParentProcessId { get; private set; } |
| 2 | 27 | | public string? ProcessName { get; private set; } |
| 2 | 28 | | public string? CommandLine { get; private set; } |
| 2 | 29 | | public string? CurrentDirectory { get; private set; } |
| 2 | 30 | | public string? WindowTitle { get; private set; } |
| 2 | 31 | | public string? ExecutableFullPath { get; private set; } |
| 2 | 32 | | public string? DesktopInfo { get; private set; } |
| 2 | 33 | | public string? Owner { get; private set; } |
| 2 | 34 | | public bool HasError { get; private set; } |
| 2 | 35 | | public bool? IsCritical { get; private set; } |
| 2 | 36 | | public bool IsPseudoProcess { get; private set; } |
| 2 | 37 | | public ulong? ProcessSequenceNumber { get; private set; } |
| 2 | 38 | | public ulong? ProcessStartKey { get; private set; } |
| | 39 | |
| | 40 | | public void SetError(Exception? ex = null, int errorCode = 0) |
| | 41 | | { |
| 2 | 42 | | if (!HasError) |
| | 43 | | { |
| 2 | 44 | | HasError = true; |
| | 45 | | #if DEBUG |
| | 46 | | if (Debugger.IsAttached) |
| | 47 | | { |
| | 48 | | // Support manual inspection at a later point |
| | 49 | | _errorStack = Environment.StackTrace; |
| | 50 | | _errorCause = ex; |
| | 51 | | _errorCode = errorCode; |
| | 52 | | } |
| | 53 | | #endif |
| | 54 | | } |
| 2 | 55 | | } |
| | 56 | |
| 2 | 57 | | internal Peb(SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION pi, ulong? processSequenceNumber) |
| | 58 | | { |
| | 59 | | // Convert as many members as possible, without actually needing to open the process handle. |
| | 60 | | // Also, ProcessId/StartTime serve as identity. So it is "useful" to have them. |
| 2 | 61 | | ProcessId = pi.UniqueProcessId.ToInt32(); |
| 2 | 62 | | StartTime = DateTime.FromFileTime(pi.CreateTime); |
| 2 | 63 | | ParentProcessId = pi.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId.ToInt32(); |
| 2 | 64 | | ProcessSequenceNumber = processSequenceNumber; |
| | 65 | |
| 2 | 66 | | if (pi.NamePtr != IntPtr.Zero) |
| | 67 | | { |
| | 68 | | // NamePtr will contain information not otherwise easily obtainable. |
| | 69 | | // For example it will contain "System", "Secure System", "Registry", etc. |
| | 70 | | // for those Windows pseudo processes. For regular processes it contains |
| | 71 | | // the of the executable. |
| 2 | 72 | | ProcessName = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(pi.NamePtr); |
| | 73 | | } |
| | 74 | |
| 2 | 75 | | Initialize(); |
| 2 | 76 | | } |
| | 77 | |
| 2 | 78 | | internal Peb(int processId, DateTime startTime) |
| | 79 | | { |
| 2 | 80 | | ProcessId = processId; |
| 2 | 81 | | StartTime = startTime; |
| | 82 | |
| 2 | 83 | | Initialize(); |
| 2 | 84 | | } |
| | 85 | |
| | 86 | | private void Initialize() |
| | 87 | | { |
| 2 | 88 | | if (NtDll.TryGetSystemPseudoProcess(ProcessId, out var pseudoPeb)) |
| | 89 | | { |
| | 90 | | // Common values for pseudo processes. All other fields don't really make sense for |
| | 91 | | // these and also would cause access denied errors when attempting to read memory |
| | 92 | | // or even "open" the "processes". |
| | 93 | |
| 2 | 94 | | ProcessName ??= pseudoPeb.ProcessName; |
| 2 | 95 | | IsPseudoProcess = pseudoPeb.IsPseudoProcess; |
| 2 | 96 | | IsCritical = pseudoPeb.IsCritical; |
| 2 | 97 | | ExecutableFullPath = pseudoPeb.ExecutableFullPath; |
| 2 | 98 | | Owner = pseudoPeb.Owner; |
| 2 | 99 | | SessionId = pseudoPeb.SessionId; |
| 2 | 100 | | ParentProcessId = pseudoPeb.ParentProcessId; |
| 2 | 101 | | ProcessSequenceNumber ??= pseudoPeb.ProcessSequenceNumber; |
| | 102 | | } |
| | 103 | | else |
| | 104 | | { |
| 2 | 105 | | using var process = OpenProcessRead(ProcessId); |
| | 106 | |
| 2 | 107 | | if (!SUCCEEDED(!process.IsInvalid, this)) |
| | 108 | | { |
| | 109 | | // If if not a system pseudo process, this can still fail with access denied errors. |
| 2 | 110 | | return; |
| | 111 | | } |
| | 112 | |
| | 113 | | // Need to check if either the current process, or the target process is 32bit or 64bit. |
| | 114 | | // Additionally, if it is a 32bit process on a 64bit OS (WOW64). |
| | 115 | |
| 2 | 116 | | bool os64 = Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem; |
| 2 | 117 | | bool self64 = Environment.Is64BitProcess; |
| 2 | 118 | | bool target64 = false; |
| | 119 | |
| 2 | 120 | | if (os64) |
| | 121 | | { |
| 2 | 122 | | if (!SUCCEEDED(IsWow64Process(process, out bool isWow64Target), this)) |
| | 123 | | { |
| 0 | 124 | | return; |
| | 125 | | } |
| | 126 | |
| 2 | 127 | | target64 = !isWow64Target; |
| | 128 | | } |
| | 129 | |
| 2 | 130 | | var offsets = PebOffsets.Get(target64); |
| | 131 | |
| 2 | 132 | | if (os64) |
| | 133 | | { |
| 2 | 134 | | if (!target64) |
| | 135 | | { |
| | 136 | | // os: 64bit, self: any, target: 32bit |
| 2 | 137 | | InitTarget32SelfAny(process, offsets, this); |
| | 138 | | } |
| 2 | 139 | | else if (!self64) |
| | 140 | | { |
| | 141 | | // os: 64bit, self: 32bit, target: 64bit |
| 0 | 142 | | InitTarget64Self32(process, offsets, this); |
| | 143 | | } |
| | 144 | | else |
| | 145 | | { |
| | 146 | | // os: 64bit, self: 64bit, target: 64bit |
| 2 | 147 | | InitTargetAnySelfAny(process, offsets, this); |
| | 148 | | } |
| | 149 | | } |
| | 150 | | else |
| | 151 | | { |
| | 152 | | // os: 32bit, self: 32bit, target: 32bit |
| 0 | 153 | | InitTargetAnySelfAny(process, offsets, this); |
| | 154 | | } |
| | 155 | |
| | 156 | | // Make sure that the current directory always ends with a backslash. AFAICT that is always the case, |
| | 157 | | // so this should really be a noop, but we need to make sure to ensure hassle free comparison later. |
| 2 | 158 | | if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentDirectory) && CurrentDirectory[CurrentDirectory.Length - 1] != '\\') |
| | 159 | | { |
| 0 | 160 | | CurrentDirectory += "\\"; |
| | 161 | | } |
| | 162 | |
| | 163 | | // Owner is not really part of the native PEB, but since we have the process handle |
| | 164 | | // here anyway, and going to need this value later on, we get it here as well. |
| 2 | 165 | | Owner = GetProcessOwner(process); |
| 2 | 166 | | IsCritical = IsProcessCritical(process, this); |
| 2 | 167 | | ProcessName ??= Path.GetFileName(ExecutableFullPath); |
| | 168 | | } |
| | 169 | |
| 2 | 170 | | if (ProcessStartKey == null && ProcessSequenceNumber != null) |
| | 171 | | { |
| 2 | 172 | | ProcessStartKey = GetProcessStartKey(ProcessSequenceNumber.Value); |
| | 173 | | } |
| 2 | 174 | | } |
| | 175 | |
| | 176 | | private static void InitTargetAnySelfAny(SafeProcessHandle handle, PebOffsets offsets, Peb peb) |
| | 177 | | { |
| 2 | 178 | | var pbi = new PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION(); |
| 2 | 179 | | if (SUCCEEDED(NtQueryInformationProcess(handle, PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS.ProcessBasicInformation, ref pbi, Mars |
| | 180 | | { |
| 2 | 181 | | peb.ParentProcessId ??= pbi.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId.ToInt32(); |
| | 182 | |
| 2 | 183 | | var pp = new IntPtr(); |
| 2 | 184 | | if (SUCCEEDED(ReadProcessMemory(handle, new IntPtr(pbi.PebBaseAddress.ToInt64() + offsets.ProcessParametersO |
| | 185 | | { |
| 2 | 186 | | peb.CommandLine = GetString(handle, pp, offsets.CommandLineOffset, peb); |
| 2 | 187 | | peb.CurrentDirectory = GetString(handle, pp, offsets.CurrentDirectoryOffset, peb); |
| 2 | 188 | | peb.ExecutableFullPath = GetString(handle, pp, offsets.ImagePathNameOffset, peb); |
| 2 | 189 | | peb.WindowTitle = GetString(handle, pp, offsets.WindowTitleOffset, peb); |
| 2 | 190 | | peb.DesktopInfo = GetString(handle, pp, offsets.DesktopInfoOffset, peb); |
| | 191 | | } |
| | 192 | |
| 2 | 193 | | peb.SessionId = GetInt32(handle, pbi.PebBaseAddress, offsets.SessionIdOffset, peb); |
| | 194 | | } |
| | 195 | |
| 2 | 196 | | if (SupportsProcessSequenceNumber && peb.ProcessSequenceNumber == null) |
| | 197 | | { |
| | 198 | | #if NET |
| | 199 | | using var psn = new ScopedNativeMemory(stackalloc byte[sizeof(ulong)]); |
| | 200 | | #else |
| 2 | 201 | | using var psn = new ScopedNativeMemory(Marshal.SizeOf<ulong>()); |
| | 202 | | #endif |
| 2 | 203 | | var buffer = (IntPtr)psn; |
| 2 | 204 | | if (SUCCEEDED(NtQueryInformationProcess(handle, PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS.ProcessSequenceNumber, ref buffer, |
| | 205 | | { |
| 2 | 206 | | peb.ProcessSequenceNumber = (ulong)buffer.ToInt64(); |
| | 207 | | } |
| | 208 | | } |
| 2 | 209 | | } |
| | 210 | |
| | 211 | | private static void InitTarget64Self32(SafeProcessHandle handle, PebOffsets offsets, Peb peb) |
| | 212 | | { |
| 0 | 213 | | var pbi = new PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION_WOW64(); |
| 0 | 214 | | if (SUCCEEDED(NtWow64QueryInformationProcess64(handle, PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS.ProcessBasicInformation, ref pb |
| | 215 | | { |
| 0 | 216 | | peb.ParentProcessId ??= (int)pbi.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId; |
| | 217 | |
| 0 | 218 | | long pp = 0; |
| 0 | 219 | | if (SUCCEEDED(NtWow64ReadVirtualMemory64(handle, pbi.PebBaseAddress + offsets.ProcessParametersOffset, ref p |
| | 220 | | { |
| 0 | 221 | | peb.CommandLine = GetStringTarget64(handle, pp, offsets.CommandLineOffset, peb); |
| 0 | 222 | | peb.CurrentDirectory = GetStringTarget64(handle, pp, offsets.CurrentDirectoryOffset, peb); |
| 0 | 223 | | peb.ExecutableFullPath = GetStringTarget64(handle, pp, offsets.ImagePathNameOffset, peb); |
| 0 | 224 | | peb.WindowTitle = GetStringTarget64(handle, pp, offsets.WindowTitleOffset, peb); |
| 0 | 225 | | peb.DesktopInfo = GetStringTarget64(handle, pp, offsets.DesktopInfoOffset, peb); |
| | 226 | | } |
| | 227 | |
| 0 | 228 | | peb.SessionId = GetInt32Target64(handle, pbi.PebBaseAddress, offsets.SessionIdOffset, peb); |
| | 229 | | } |
| | 230 | |
| 0 | 231 | | if (SupportsProcessSequenceNumber && peb.ProcessSequenceNumber == null) |
| | 232 | | { |
| | 233 | | #if NET |
| | 234 | | using var psn = new ScopedNativeMemory(stackalloc byte[sizeof(ulong)]); |
| | 235 | | #else |
| 0 | 236 | | using var psn = new ScopedNativeMemory(Marshal.SizeOf<ulong>()); |
| | 237 | | #endif |
| 0 | 238 | | var buffer = (IntPtr)psn; |
| 0 | 239 | | if (SUCCEEDED(NtWow64QueryInformationProcess64(handle, PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS.ProcessSequenceNumber, ref |
| | 240 | | { |
| 0 | 241 | | peb.ProcessSequenceNumber = (ulong)buffer.ToInt64(); |
| | 242 | | } |
| | 243 | | } |
| 0 | 244 | | } |
| | 245 | |
| | 246 | | private static void InitTarget32SelfAny(SafeProcessHandle handle, PebOffsets offsets, Peb peb) |
| | 247 | | { |
| 2 | 248 | | var pbi = new PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION(); |
| 2 | 249 | | if (SUCCEEDED(NtQueryInformationProcess(handle, PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS.ProcessBasicInformation, ref pbi, Mars |
| | 250 | | { |
| 2 | 251 | | peb.ParentProcessId ??= pbi.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId.ToInt32(); |
| | 252 | |
| | 253 | | // A 32bit process on a 64bit OS has a separate PEB structure. |
| 2 | 254 | | var peb32 = new IntPtr(); |
| 2 | 255 | | if (SUCCEEDED(NtQueryInformationProcessWow64(handle, PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS.ProcessWow64Information, ref |
| | 256 | | { |
| 2 | 257 | | var pp = new IntPtr(); |
| 2 | 258 | | if (SUCCEEDED(ReadProcessMemory(handle, new IntPtr(peb32.ToInt64() + offsets.ProcessParametersOffset), r |
| | 259 | | { |
| 2 | 260 | | peb.CommandLine = GetStringTarget32(handle, pp, offsets.CommandLineOffset, peb); |
| 2 | 261 | | peb.CurrentDirectory = GetStringTarget32(handle, pp, offsets.CurrentDirectoryOffset, peb); |
| 2 | 262 | | peb.ExecutableFullPath = GetStringTarget32(handle, pp, offsets.ImagePathNameOffset, peb); |
| 2 | 263 | | peb.WindowTitle = GetStringTarget32(handle, pp, offsets.WindowTitleOffset, peb); |
| 2 | 264 | | peb.DesktopInfo = GetStringTarget32(handle, pp, offsets.DesktopInfoOffset, peb); |
| | 265 | | } |
| | 266 | |
| 2 | 267 | | peb.SessionId = GetInt32Target32(handle, new IntPtr(peb32.ToInt64()), offsets.SessionIdOffset, peb); |
| | 268 | | } |
| | 269 | |
| 2 | 270 | | if (SupportsProcessSequenceNumber && peb.ProcessSequenceNumber == null) |
| | 271 | | { |
| | 272 | | #if NET |
| | 273 | | using var psn = new ScopedNativeMemory(stackalloc byte[sizeof(ulong)]); |
| | 274 | | #else |
| 2 | 275 | | using var psn = new ScopedNativeMemory(Marshal.SizeOf<ulong>()); |
| | 276 | | #endif |
| 2 | 277 | | var buffer = (IntPtr)psn; |
| 2 | 278 | | if (SUCCEEDED(NtQueryInformationProcessWow64(handle, PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS.ProcessSequenceNumber, re |
| | 279 | | { |
| 2 | 280 | | peb.ProcessSequenceNumber = (ulong)buffer.ToInt64(); |
| | 281 | | } |
| | 282 | | } |
| | 283 | | } |
| 2 | 284 | | } |
| | 285 | |
| | 286 | | private static int GetInt32Target32(SafeProcessHandle handle, IntPtr pp, int offset, Peb he) |
| | 287 | | { |
| 2 | 288 | | var ptr = IntPtr.Zero; |
| 2 | 289 | | if (SUCCEEDED(ReadProcessMemory(handle, pp + offset, ref ptr, new IntPtr(sizeof(int)), IntPtr.Zero), he)) |
| | 290 | | { |
| 2 | 291 | | return ptr.ToInt32(); |
| | 292 | | } |
| | 293 | |
| 0 | 294 | | return default; |
| | 295 | | } |
| | 296 | |
| | 297 | | private static string? GetStringTarget32(SafeProcessHandle handle, IntPtr pp, int offset, Peb he) |
| | 298 | | { |
| 2 | 299 | | var us = new UNICODE_STRING_32(); |
| 2 | 300 | | if (SUCCEEDED(ReadProcessMemory(handle, pp + offset, ref us, new IntPtr(Marshal.SizeOf(us)), IntPtr.Zero), he)) |
| | 301 | | { |
| 2 | 302 | | if (us.Buffer != 0) |
| | 303 | | { |
| 2 | 304 | | if (us.Length == 0) |
| | 305 | | { |
| 0 | 306 | | return string.Empty; |
| | 307 | | } |
| | 308 | |
| 2 | 309 | | string lpBuffer = us.GetEmptyBuffer(); |
| 2 | 310 | | if (SUCCEEDED(ReadProcessMemory(handle, new IntPtr(us.Buffer), lpBuffer, new IntPtr(us.Length), IntPtr.Z |
| | 311 | | { |
| 2 | 312 | | return lpBuffer; |
| | 313 | | } |
| | 314 | | } |
| | 315 | | } |
| | 316 | |
| 0 | 317 | | return null; |
| | 318 | | } |
| | 319 | |
| | 320 | | private static int GetInt32Target64(SafeProcessHandle handle, long pp, int offset, Peb he) |
| | 321 | | { |
| 0 | 322 | | var ptr = IntPtr.Zero; |
| 0 | 323 | | uint buf = 0; |
| 0 | 324 | | if (SUCCEEDED(NtWow64ReadVirtualMemory64(handle, pp + offset, ref buf, sizeof(uint), IntPtr.Zero), he)) |
| | 325 | | { |
| 0 | 326 | | ptr = new IntPtr(buf); |
| 0 | 327 | | return ptr.ToInt32(); |
| | 328 | | } |
| | 329 | |
| 0 | 330 | | return default; |
| | 331 | | } |
| | 332 | |
| | 333 | | private static string? GetStringTarget64(SafeProcessHandle handle, long pp, int offset, Peb he) |
| | 334 | | { |
| 0 | 335 | | var us = new UNICODE_STRING_WOW64(); |
| 0 | 336 | | if (SUCCEEDED(NtWow64ReadVirtualMemory64(handle, pp + offset, ref us, Marshal.SizeOf(us), IntPtr.Zero), he)) |
| | 337 | | { |
| 0 | 338 | | if (us.Buffer != 0) |
| | 339 | | { |
| 0 | 340 | | if (us.Length == 0) |
| | 341 | | { |
| 0 | 342 | | return string.Empty; |
| | 343 | | } |
| | 344 | |
| 0 | 345 | | string lpBuffer = us.GetEmptyBuffer(); |
| 0 | 346 | | if (SUCCEEDED(NtWow64ReadVirtualMemory64(handle, us.Buffer, lpBuffer, us.Length, IntPtr.Zero), he)) |
| | 347 | | { |
| 0 | 348 | | return lpBuffer; |
| | 349 | | } |
| | 350 | | } |
| | 351 | | } |
| | 352 | |
| 0 | 353 | | return null; |
| | 354 | | } |
| | 355 | |
| | 356 | | private static int GetInt32(SafeProcessHandle handle, IntPtr pp, int offset, Peb he) |
| | 357 | | { |
| 2 | 358 | | var ptr = IntPtr.Zero; |
| 2 | 359 | | if (SUCCEEDED(ReadProcessMemory(handle, pp + offset, ref ptr, new IntPtr(IntPtr.Size), IntPtr.Zero), he)) |
| | 360 | | { |
| 2 | 361 | | return ptr.ToInt32(); |
| | 362 | | } |
| | 363 | |
| 0 | 364 | | return 0; |
| | 365 | | } |
| | 366 | |
| | 367 | | private static string? GetString(SafeProcessHandle handle, IntPtr pp, int offset, Peb he) |
| | 368 | | { |
| 2 | 369 | | var us = new UNICODE_STRING(); |
| 2 | 370 | | if (SUCCEEDED(ReadProcessMemory(handle, pp + offset, ref us, new IntPtr(Marshal.SizeOf(us)), IntPtr.Zero), he)) |
| | 371 | | { |
| 2 | 372 | | if (us.Buffer != IntPtr.Zero) |
| | 373 | | { |
| 2 | 374 | | if (us.Length == 0) |
| | 375 | | { |
| 2 | 376 | | return string.Empty; |
| | 377 | | } |
| | 378 | |
| 2 | 379 | | string lpBuffer = us.GetEmptyBuffer(); |
| 2 | 380 | | if (SUCCEEDED(ReadProcessMemory(handle, us.Buffer, lpBuffer, new IntPtr(us.Length), IntPtr.Zero), he)) |
| | 381 | | { |
| 2 | 382 | | return lpBuffer; |
| | 383 | | } |
| | 384 | | } |
| | 385 | | } |
| | 386 | |
| 0 | 387 | | return null; |
| | 388 | | } |
| | 389 | |
| | 390 | | /// <summary> |
| | 391 | | /// Checks if <paramref name="status"/> is success, otherwise sets <c><paramref name="he"/>.SetError(errorCode: <par |
| | 392 | | /// </summary> |
| | 393 | | private static bool SUCCEEDED(uint status, Peb he, [CallerMemberName] string? callerName = null, [CallerFilePath] st |
| | 394 | | { |
| 2 | 395 | | if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) |
| | 396 | | { |
| 0 | 397 | | he.SetError(errorCode: (int)status); |
| 0 | 398 | | return false; |
| | 399 | | } |
| | 400 | |
| 2 | 401 | | return true; |
| | 402 | | } |
| | 403 | |
| | 404 | | /// <summary> |
| | 405 | | /// Checks if <paramref name="status"/> is success, otherwise sets <c><paramref name="he"/>.SetError(errorCode: <par |
| | 406 | | /// </summary> |
| | 407 | | private static bool SUCCEEDED(int status, Peb he, [CallerMemberName] string? callerName = null, [CallerFilePath] str |
| | 408 | | { |
| 2 | 409 | | if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) |
| | 410 | | { |
| 0 | 411 | | he.SetError(errorCode: status); |
| 0 | 412 | | return false; |
| | 413 | | } |
| | 414 | |
| 2 | 415 | | return true; |
| | 416 | | } |
| | 417 | |
| | 418 | | /// <summary> |
| | 419 | | /// Checks if <paramref name="status"/> is success, otherwise sets <c><paramref name="he"/>.SetError(errorCode: <see |
| | 420 | | /// </summary> |
| | 421 | | private static bool SUCCEEDED(bool result, Peb he, [CallerMemberName] string? callerName = null, [CallerFilePath] st |
| | 422 | | { |
| 2 | 423 | | if (!result) |
| | 424 | | { |
| 2 | 425 | | he.SetError(errorCode: Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); |
| 2 | 426 | | return false; |
| | 427 | | } |
| | 428 | |
| 2 | 429 | | return true; |
| | 430 | | } |
| | 431 | | } |