When using the net.pipe
protocol, WCF will not generate NT named pipe objects that bear the exact name you specified
(e.g. you won’t find any object/handle by the name of ‘net.pip://+/Whatever’), but rather something like \BaseNamedObjects\net.pipe:E...
where everything after the “E” is essentially a base 64 encoded version of your original URI.
More details are available here.
To easily decode those strings, you can use PowerShell.
Example: List all net.pipe handles (using Sysinternals handle.exe):
PS> handle.exe net.pipe
SMSvcHost.exe pid: 21448 type: Section 3B4: \BaseNamedObjects\net.pipe:EbmV0LnBpcGU6Ly8rLzM1RDAxOEJFLTk4MDQtNENCMi1BODM3LUE3MjRGNUZEMDBERS8=
vstest.discoveryengine.x86.exe pid: 17648 type: Section 39C: \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\net.pipe:EbmV0LnBpcGU6Ly8rL1ZTVEVTVC5ESVNDT1ZFUllFTkdJTkUvMTc2NDgv
vstest.discoveryengine.x86.exe pid: 12672 type: Section 3A8: \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\net.pipe:EbmV0LnBpcGU6Ly8rL1ZTVEVTVC5ESVNDT1ZFUllFTkdJTkUvMTI2NzIv
myapp.exe pid: 21555 type: Section 322: \BaseNamedObjects\net.pipe:EbmV0LnBpcGU6Ly8rL1dIQVRFVkVS
Considering the object for myapp.exe
, the base 64 value is bmV0LnBpcGU6Ly8rL1dIQVRFVkVS
PS> [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([Convert]::FromBase64String("bmV0LnBpcGU6Ly8rL1dIQVRFVkVS"))